
  • as of June 2024, I have volunteered to help the Nova Scotia Hemlock Initiative, more at www.nshemlock.ca

What's the big deal about Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA)?

  • it doesn't have any predators so once established there's no natural controls
  • it spreads very easily -- by wind, birds and humans
  • it has a track record of wiping out entire Hemlock forests

What does it mean for Nova Scotia? (updated July 2022)
  • HWA is well established in the seven western counties
  • die back is occurring in the areas first affected
  • the trend is clear -- our hemlock are in trouble

Why should I care about Hemlock?
  • it has some commercial value
  • it is our oldest living tree and very important to the forest
  • it sequesters lots and lots and lots of carbon
  • hugely important for stabilizing waterways by slowing water flow
  • if you fish ... it shades streams and rivers to keep the water cooler and healthier for fish
  • if you hunt ... hemlock groves are important habitat for wintering deer
  • if you are a naturalist ... important nesting habitat for birds

What can I do?

  • Early detection means there are more options for dealing with it.  If you see a snowy, cotton-like sacs on Hemlocks anywhere in the province, try and get a picture and email hwa@nshemlock.ca 
  • while you can find the sacs anytime, they are most easily seen from late November and peaking in size in March just before the babies hatch
  • In April once the weather warms up, HWA babies called "crawlers" start to move.  There can be a lot of them!  And if they get on you, your gear or your pets, they can be carried to a new location starting a new infestation
  • If you travel in areas known to have HWA, please take precautions to prevent the spread by cleaning you, your gear and your pets.  A lint brush works well.  
  • Please do not move firewood which could have bugs hiding on the bark.  If you go camping, please acquire your firewood where you burn it

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